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Business Administration

Business Administration is a field of study within the broader discipline of business and management. It encompasses a wide range of topics and skills related to the management and operation of organizations, whether they are for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, government agencies, or other types of entities. Business Administration programs typically cover areas such as:

1. Management: This includes principles of leadership, organizational behavior, and strategic planning. Students learn how to effectively lead and manage teams and organizations.

2. Finance: Understanding financial concepts, budgeting, financial analysis, and investment decisions are crucial components. This area also covers topics like accounting and financial reporting.

3. Marketing: Students learn about market research, advertising, sales, and branding. Marketing is about promoting products or services and understanding customer needs.

4. Operations Management: This focuses on optimizing processes and production, quality control, supply chain management, and logistics.

5. Human Resources: Managing personnel, recruiting, training, and employee relations are key components. HR professionals are responsible for staffing and maintaining a healthy work environment.

6. Entrepreneurship: Some programs offer courses in entrepreneurship, teaching students how to start and run their own businesses.

7. Economics: Understanding economic principles helps in making informed business decisions, including pricing, resource allocation, and market analysis.

8. Business Ethics: Ethical considerations in business practices are increasingly important. Students learn about corporate social responsibility and ethical decision-making.

9. Information Technology: In today’s digital age, knowledge of IT systems and how they impact business operations is essential.

10. International Business: With globalization, understanding how to conduct business across borders is crucial. This includes knowledge of international trade, global markets, and cultural differences.

Business Administration programs can lead to various degrees, including Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). These degrees provide different levels of education and specialization within the field.

A degree in Business Administration can open up diverse career opportunities in various industries, including finance, marketing, consulting, healthcare, technology, and more. It equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to make strategic decisions, solve complex problems, and contribute to the success of organizations.

Faculty Contact Info


Main Campus:
Old Site of Capital Science Academy,
Dafara Village,
Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja.


Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info