+2348076000212; +2348036200067

Mohammed Z. Babakusa

Mohammed Z. Babakusa


Mr. Babakusa is a humble and successful Nigerian Entrepreneur with a long-standing passion for sustainable development, progress of education, and humanitarian service to community and country. He is vastly experienced in British academic traditions having been educated in the United Kingdom in various fields of study and at different locations. In 2005, he joined the London office of Shell Trading and Shipping Company as an Intern. From 2013 to present, he has been the Director and Chief Investment Officer for Acacia Holdings Abuja. In this position, he is primarily responsible for the Group’s Investments. His duties also include representing the company at high level meetings, attending management training on the Fundamentals of Islamic Finance, etc. He has participated in several leadership and team building workshops in Nigeria and around the world.

In 2002, Mr. Babakusa secured a Diploma in Human Resource Management from the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. In 2009, he earned another Diploma in English Literature from Buckingham University also in the UK.  In 2012, he secured a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Studies from Manchester College. Mr. Babakusa also attended the Cambridge Center for Sixth Form Studies for his A-levels. There is no doubt that the rare convergence of Human Resource knowledge, Business Management skills and Literary talent in one man have helped in shaping and sharpening Mr. Babakusa’s appetite for education, humanitarian service and sustainable development. And from his early school days, he has been an avid sports enthusiast. In all the schools he attended in Nigeria and around the world, he has associated himself with virtually all sporting activities and games. He was either a member of a football team, member of the college athletics team or associated with the school’s volleyball, or basketball teams, or serving as President of the Afro-Cab Society, etc.